When you have a divorce or custody case pending, it may be wise to limit your use of social media. Although it may not affect the outcome of your divorce or custody case, you can’t be too careful, especially if children are involved.
If the divorce is controversial, your spouse may be looking for anything to help his or her case. If you must use social media, remember these things when posting:
- Stop. Think. Post or Don’t Post. Whatever you put on social media may be discoverable even after you delete it. Anyone can screenshot your post and spread it all over town. A good rule of thumb to vet your posts is to not post anything that you don’t want the judge to read.
- Try to limit pictures of purchases. You do not want to post an impractical picture of your financial status. This could come back to hurt you in the courtroom.
- Watch what you post about your kids. You don’t want to post anything on social media that could be used against you when dealing with custody issues.
- Be discreet when it comes to your dating life. Always keep pictures of you and your new relationships off social media, at least until the divorce is final.
- Do not talk negatively about your spouse. Fighting with your spouse on social media will not produce positive outcomes. It will probably only make the divorce that much more contentious and longer to resolve.
So, while going through the divorce or custody process, it is best to keep your thoughts and pictures to yourself. While it may be perfectly fine, you certainly don’t want to give your spouse anything to use against you.